Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prop 8

As most of you know I am in California finishing a residency for a Masters Program. Today was big news in the sunshine state regarding the issue of homosexuality. But it really started last week.

Last week, the largest Christian ministry devoted to helping homosexuals, apologized to the gay community and announced it was shutting down. Today the Supreme Court of the United States struck down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), passed in 1996 in California. The Supreme Court also declined to rule on Proposition 8 from California. In doing so, same-sex marriage will remain a state issue and it appears to remain legal in California, as it is in 12 other states. The United States government will also recognize the legality of those marriages with respect to federal benefits. Needless to say, our culture is changing-- quickly and dramatically on this issue, thanks to a runaway Supreme Court who had failed to honor state’s rights and the will of the people.

As Christians, we need to be ready to articulate what we believe and why in regards to this issue, with respect to God’s ways as revealed in the Bible. Even more challenging is our need to be Jesus to our gay friends and family members in both our convictions and compassion. What does that look like in your life? This is precisely why this Sunday’s Deep End Workshop is critical. It’s entitled, “The Christian and Homosexuality”.

Our speaker is Pat Caven, who followed a lesbian lifestyle for years since the age of 17. She even left her husband for a lesbian relationship. But after coming into life changing relationship with Jesus, she is now married with a family and helps others who are struggling with brokenness in their sexuality. In fact, her husband is a former homosexual. Yes -  even when we wonder about the future of the moral culture in this country, God as Creator decides the “shoulds” in life and holds the power to internally change our hearts towards His ways.

Don’t miss this Sunday at The Deep End! Get the tools every Christ Follower needs to live out a balance between godly conviction and godly compassion.

Sunday night, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, childcare provided. Click here to learn more:

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