Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Circles verses rows

Discerning shapes was one the first lessons we learned as a child in pre-school. But shapes and forms also make a difference when it comes to experiencing church. Relationships are better experienced in circles rather than in rows.

Don’t get me wrong-  I love the Sunday morning church experience of coming together with my church family. But that takes place in rows where connection is difficult. The “in and out” rush at a typical church service creates an invisible veil between people. There is just no time to be real with life or real with each other.

It’s only when the numbers break down and we sit in a circle in someone’s living room that we interact face to face. In this smaller context we are more relaxed and can be ourselves and also be more attentive to others. We stand a better chance of the veil coming down and authentically connecting in a more personal way.

That’s why Life Groups are the primary way we relationally care for each other at BridgePointe. This is “circle time” for us. Sign ups begin this Sunday. You can register online or in the lobby. If the Groups experience is new to you or you’re just not sure which group to join, your hesitation is certainly understood. To help you feel more comfortable with it, we have created a Life Groups party just for you called Inside Life Groups. It’s a chance for you to see and meet all the Life Group leaders and meet others who are just like you in wanting to explore new friendships at church. It’s a very informal, no pressure, fun way to get a feel for what a Life Groups is all about! This event is open to everyone. Our next Inside Life Groups Event is Sunday August 18, 6:30-8pm in the Worship Center.  Childcare is provided at the Foundry.

Yes-  rows are necessary. But take the next step and connect with others in circles. You’ll find the veil coming down and allowing you to experience community in authentic and meaningful ways that are life changing.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Last week of summer! Here we go!

This is technically the last week of summer.  Doubt the muggy humidity and continued rain will change any … but we are!

August is a great time to get back into our routine and rhythms. So we are getting things ramped up to help people position themselves for a great spiritual start in the fall. I just had a great meeting last night with the Lead Team and we are getting ourselves spiritually ready to lead BP in our mission to draw people close to God.

Here are some things we are excited about rolling out for the fall:

  •         New series-  “Normal, like me” will offer practical help with connecting to others.
  •        New sign and flags- Our building sign will be installed as early as early as August 1st!  Our flags will be set up starting this Sunday. Check them out in front of the kids’ buildings!
  •        Life Groups and an Inside Life Groups Party- This is hosted for anyone and everyone wanting to learn about groups or join one.
  •        Baptism-  An opportunity to share your spiritual story through the symbol of baptism.
  •        Return of Block Parties-  Our Compassion Team resumes hosting opportunities for us to help prepare and serve dinner to our local neighbors who need our help.
  •        Starting Pointe-  An environment designed for people exploring faith for the first time or returning to church after being away from it for a season of their life.
  •        New Worship Center Plan- Present to the church a plan for a new worship center to be built next to children’s building.
  •        Hiring a new Student Pastor- We hope to fill this important position by early fall.

What’s your next step? Find a place to volunteer this fall and be part of helping us draw others close to God.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Next Generation

Yesterday I had the chance to catch up Cody Rogers. Cody is one of our college students who assumed the temporary oversight of the student programming over the summer while we seek to hire a new Student Pastor. Partnered with Codi Henson, they have connected with the students all summer long. I could not be more proud of their investment into the next generation.

The High School Group just came back from a River Rafting Trip and the girls have a sleep over this Friday night. The connections they make with friends is so critical for them and for their spiritual success. Cody is also pioneering our first Sunday morning Middle School gathering. The Middle School students also have a Skate Night/Lazar Tag Night coming up. Each Wednesday night, “Fusion” provides a relaxing environment for all students to draw close to God through worship and Bible study in personal ways.

At BP we are unapologetic about our commitment to the next generation with kids and students. We believe we are seizing a window of opportunity to impress upon them their divine purpose and place in this world. We long to see the hearts of children and students awakened by the love of their Creator God.

So partner with me this week in asking God's direction for the next student Pastor who will pick up the mantel and take our students on a spiritual journey that will be life changing.  We will be reaching out to candidates and I'm counting on your prayerful support as a team.