Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Deep End

Summer is upon us and for all parents that means “pool time”. Depending on the age of your kids, that also means the annual parental pool lecture about the rules:  Use sun screen, no running , no splashing, and let your lunch digest before going back into the water. Now, the smaller the child, the more said about the “deep end”.  The deep end can be overwhelming for a kid. Not being able to touch the bottom with your feet can be a scary thing. Even though the pool may offer a deep end, the shallow end is right where they need to be.

However, if you have an older child, you are expecting them to be in the deep end. At a certain age they should be able to dive in on that side. They may even feel comfortable going off the slide or diving board into the deep end, and maybe even doing some tricks. You know-  doing a flip, cannon ball, or standing on their hands with their legs straight up. Every parent would hope this would be true of their 16 years old. In fact, when the teen-agers want to regress and play in the “kiddie pool”, they usually end up getting kicked out. Even though the pool offers a shallow end, the deep end is right where they need to be.

The Bible gives us the same parental lecture in regards to expectations about our spiritual growth. Look at how John understands and perceives his reading audience:

I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of His name. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one.
(I John 2:12-13)

The mission of BridgePoint Church is to draw people close to God. This means the central role of our church is to move people forward in their relationship with Jesus. Movement, from being a spiritual child in the faith to a spiritual father, is the natural progression of a Christian. That’s why our Growth Path will intentionally offer a shallow end that makes entry simple for someone discovering faith or new to the faith. An Inside BridgePointe or a Baptism event this summer is where you can get into the pool and still have your feet touching the ground. Both are offered in August and you can sign up now.

I am just as excited about our summer discipleship workshops that are called “The Deep End”.  They are designed to challenge you in your understanding, participation, thinking, and application beyond a Sunday morning message. These workshops will be offered on selected Sunday nights, from 5:00-7:00 PM, in June and July at the Outback. Each two-hour class is independent so you can select the ones that best align with your interest and summer schedule. Workshop titles and descriptions are available at the Next Steps Station or on our web site. You can sign up now.

Regardless of where you are on the growth continuum, our “pool” at BridgePointe allows you to swim at a depth right for you. The challenge of our Heavenly Father is to move you forward in taking another step in growing your faith. Are you right where you need to be?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I get to worship at BridgePointe

Yup-  You’re the winner! I know-   you never win anything, but this time you did. I’m sending you and your family to Los Angeles for the American Idol finale. An all expense paid, first class flight will get you there and you’ll be kick’n it at the best 5 star hotel in Hollywood. Not a bad crib! A free rental car will allow you to check out the beaches and with the $5000 spending cash, there will be plenty of restaurants, sightseeing, and theme parks to explore while you’re there.

Now, to fully receive what has been given to you there will need to be an effort on your part, right? You still will have to get yourself ready-  make arrangements, get to the airport, and check in at the hotel. But whatever effort on your part is required, it is diminished by the privilege that has been given to you. With the full weight of the opportunity and benefit you are receiving, you might not even consider your part an effort at all. You see, everything changes when things are a “get to”, rather than a “have to”. The realization of privilege always trumps the feeling of effort or duty.

This is the point the Bible makes about attending and being a part of a church community. In Hebrews 10, the author gives us an Old Testament Sunday school lesson about the way things used to be for the Hebrews when they came together for their worship. “Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.” (10:11) But because of what Jesus has done as the ultimate, once and for all sacrifice, the worship of God has been transformed from effort to privilege.

1. We have the privilege of direct worship with God at BridgePointe:
Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us … let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience... (19-23)

2. We have the privilege of gathering as community at BridgePointe:
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.” (24-25))

Will it take an effort to make Sunday worship with your BridgePointe family a priority? Sure. But if we understand the great privilege and opportunity our Creator God has given us, worship at Bridegepointe will be a  “get to”, never a “have to”. The Inside BridgePointe event, on May 22, Sunday, can serve as a tangible way to express your commitment to the privilege of being a part of this church community. It’s an event that explores who we are and where we are going so that you can intelligently partner with us. It’s a great next step if you have been a recent guest.

Forget Los Angeles! I “get to” worship at BridgePointe!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

God is Closer Than You Think

For Noah it was a rainbow. For Abraham it was circumcision. For Moses it was a burning. But for all of them, they had an outward, tangible sign that God was present and that he would in fact fulfill his covenant promise. They were just like us. They needed something that made the invisible God, visible. We have all been stumped in our everyday lives playing “Where’s Waldo” with the God of the universe who is invisible, inaudible, and untouchable. A visible sign helped them to remember that God is closer than we think.

The one fact that God is present and alive in the everyday, ordinary moments of my life can be an elusive reality. Our preset series, “The Perfect Trap”, will demonstrate over the next month just how much living in an imperfect world can lead us into a “hide and seek” game with God. Whether it’s an unexpected test result, a job loss, or mistakes made as a parent, there’s never a burning bush when you need one. The weaknesses, flaws, and defects of our imperfect world can throw us into a spiritual tail-spin of pain and confusion. It makes it impossible to live up to “model home conditions” of perfection. Biblical expectations set? us from having to perform and stage our lives so it appears we have all the right answers, we have it all together, and we have all under control.

It was the Psalmist who revealed that “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” (Psalm 9:9) Like daylight appearing, he prayed, “You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.” (10:17) God’s presence is the game changer. It’s the factor that can change the way every day of our lives unfold. God is not responsible for every tragedy and setback we experience. Nor has he determined every plight. But make no mistake …. he will never waste them. He will draw us close to him in our imperfect moment. It is there that he will meet us. It is there that he will change.

But God’s presence may turn out to be more than just a comfort, and certainly more than just an abstract theological concept.  It can also be an accountability factor. Think about it: God being everywhere can also make us think twice about our behavior. Just remember what you did when your parents were out of town and you were alone for the weekend. Consider how your driving becomes angelic when a cop is in sight. Talk about a game changer! 

It is for this reason I have named my weekly blog with you “The Unseen  3rd Party”. God’s presence is truly just that. In every circumstance, location, or relationship that we will ever encounter in life, God’s presence will not be the unseen 3rd party. It’s the factor that can change the way every day of our lives unfold.

God is closer than you think.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Step By Step

Even now I’m still feeding off the emotional fumes that energized me at Easter! At the end of the day, Jesus was lifted up for our invited friends and guests who heard a life changing truth: The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest survival story ever because it revealed the hope of life after death and points to Jesus as the one who can take us there. Nearly 1500 people came to BridgePointe to celebrate with us. You were making a statement that we heard loud and clear:  You trust us with your guests.  That’s a privilege and responsibility that all of the staff and Sunday team of volunteers take very seriously. From the Easter Egg hunt to the setting up of signs, from the worship music to the coffee, there was team win that morning, thanks to many passionate people who see God’s work as the greatest enterprise on earth.

This last Easter felt like a launch pad for me. Spring is the most-attended church season of the year. That means Easter isn’t the finish line, but the starting line. BridgePointe has an opportunity to be strategic in following up with our Easter guests. Lots of churches have “interested people”. But it takes an intentional effort to have “sticky people” who return and remain.

From now until the fall we will be working hard at constructing a Growth Path that aids in the taking of guests to their “next step”. Remember, “movement” is the natural progression in any relationship, but especially with God. Shortly, you will begin to see components (steps) as we construct this path. Some of these steps will be familiar to you, others will be new. I’m most excited to see Inside BridgePointe return this May. This is an opportunity for you or your guests to explore where BridgePointe is going and learn how to become a part of it. Many of you have asked about how you can become a member. This is where that next step begins. Be looking for monthly Inside BridgePointe event dates from now on.

You will also hear of our next baptism event in August. This is yet another step in spiritual growth. Baptism is that outward expression of your faith through rising up from the water, symbolizing new life in Jesus.  You will also hear of some growth classes being offered this June and July on Sunday evening we’re calling “Summer School” …. and there’s more to come. Consider this Growth Path a road under construction. You might see a blinking pylon and some detour signs here and there, but we desire to be a “sticky church” one step at a time, one guest at a time.

Easter was not the end of the race, but the starting line …. and we’re taking off running.