Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prop 8

As most of you know I am in California finishing a residency for a Masters Program. Today was big news in the sunshine state regarding the issue of homosexuality. But it really started last week.

Last week, the largest Christian ministry devoted to helping homosexuals, apologized to the gay community and announced it was shutting down. Today the Supreme Court of the United States struck down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), passed in 1996 in California. The Supreme Court also declined to rule on Proposition 8 from California. In doing so, same-sex marriage will remain a state issue and it appears to remain legal in California, as it is in 12 other states. The United States government will also recognize the legality of those marriages with respect to federal benefits. Needless to say, our culture is changing-- quickly and dramatically on this issue, thanks to a runaway Supreme Court who had failed to honor state’s rights and the will of the people.

As Christians, we need to be ready to articulate what we believe and why in regards to this issue, with respect to God’s ways as revealed in the Bible. Even more challenging is our need to be Jesus to our gay friends and family members in both our convictions and compassion. What does that look like in your life? This is precisely why this Sunday’s Deep End Workshop is critical. It’s entitled, “The Christian and Homosexuality”.

Our speaker is Pat Caven, who followed a lesbian lifestyle for years since the age of 17. She even left her husband for a lesbian relationship. But after coming into life changing relationship with Jesus, she is now married with a family and helps others who are struggling with brokenness in their sexuality. In fact, her husband is a former homosexual. Yes -  even when we wonder about the future of the moral culture in this country, God as Creator decides the “shoulds” in life and holds the power to internally change our hearts towards His ways.

Don’t miss this Sunday at The Deep End! Get the tools every Christ Follower needs to live out a balance between godly conviction and godly compassion.

Sunday night, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, childcare provided. Click here to learn more:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Classroom of Life

At this moment I am on a lunch break. I am finishing my masters program at BIOLA University in Southern California. Something exciting happens when sitting at my desk.  I become a student again.

·        I am reminded of how little I know.
·        I am reminded that I cannot grow in a vacuum .
·        I am reminded that I need others in my life to go to another level.
·        I am reminded of how exciting “discovery” is.
·        I am reminded that I am educated beyond my ability to apply what I’ve learned.
·        I am reminded that what I know now will reach a status quo in my life until I learn more.

I am inviting you to join me this summer in the classroom. Sit in the chair of the desk of learning and see if God doesn’t move in your life as a “student” as he is moving in mine.  Our classroom at BP is called The Deep End. These are a series of summer workshops designed to inspire a deeper reflection in our spiritual lives and a greater understanding of Biblical truth.

The workshop environment allows for interaction with a topic that engages you in interesting, fun, and creative ways. Each workshop is two hours long. They are taught by instructors who have a passion and expertise in their field. If you’re bored in your status quo, ready to go further, or wanting to be stretched, the Deep End is a great next step. Click here to see this summer’s topics and to register.

Location:   130 Arnold Mill Park, Suite 100, Woodstock-top of the parking lot.
When:  Sunday nights
Time:  6:00 – 8:00 PM
Childcare: From toddlers to 5th grade. (Drop off at Tree Top Building)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A "sign" of our future

 The BridgePointe Lead Team recently came back from a planning retreat where we cast a vision for the next school year at BridgePointe. There is nothing more exciting than dreaming and strategizing about how to draw people close to God.

We believe so much in who we are and we have a great passion to share BridgePointe with others. This starts with letting our community know we are here. Last Sunday I challenged BridgePointe to raise the $2000 for a sign that we desperately need for the worship center building. Above and beyond offering, you guys raised $1,700. Wow! Thank you so much for your support. Way to go!  This Sunday we’ll provide another opportunity to participate. Funds given beyond $2,000 will go towards 12-foot promotional flags that will be placed by the front and near the kid’s facilities. That will make us easily identifiable for guests.

This summer we will be making incremental improvements to our facilities so we can do our best on Sunday mornings to create a place to draw guests close to God.

The following are things we hope to tackle this summer:

  •          Make the Walkway and TreeTop facility more children specific in its décor.
  •           Carve out a "kick back space" in our warehouse at the Foundry for the Middle School students to meet on Sunday morning.
  •     Improve the worship center lobby by adding more light and color.
  •            Improve our stage area, sound equipment and stage lighting in the worship center.
    Your financial investment is a great “sign” of our future! One step at a time, we are moving BridgePointe forward.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Summer plan for Students

Student Ministry Update 

I’m excited about our student program this summer. In Jarad’s absence we have secured two college interns that have planned an exciting program for the students at BridgePointe. Cody Rogers and Codi Henson are both graduates of our own student program and attend BridgePointe. I have great confidence in them! They are our temporary leaders during the transition time while we search for the next Student Pastor. We will keep you updated as to our progress. For now, I wanted to share with you four highlights:

  • Ongoing Wednesday night FUSION
With the exception of July 3rd, there will be Fusion every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM for both Middle School and High School at the church campus. The last Wednesday of June and July will be “Mobile Fusion”, which means the location will be away from the church campus. Expect some summer fun to be added to these special nights!
  • Summer EVENTS 
Sprinkled throughout the summer will be events for students to more easily connect with each other. By design, each event is either for Middle School or High School. This will allow a more age-appropriate focus.

  • FUEL for Middle School, every Sunday morning
Simultaneously with the Sunday service, Middle School students, grades 6-8 (including 5th graders who are going into 6th grade) will gather in the warehouse for their own program. The  warehouse is at the back end of the Foundry where Walkway meets. Please be patient, as it will take several weeks to adjust the warehouse for its new use. Consider it a work in progress.

  • Motion Student Conference
Motion is a summer conference for students, 6th -12th, August 1-3. Sign up on the web. The giving station in the lobby at church will be set up to receive Motion Payments.

Please check out the student page on the church web site under the “family” tab and note that all the details to meetings and events will be posted under the “events” area on the web site’s front page. A student calendar of events flyer will be it church lobby on Sunday mornings. We are also counting on parent involvement all summer long.  We presently have a need for transportation to Mobile Fusion on June 26th, Wednesday, and the High School Raft Trip on July 29th, Saturday. Lastly, if you have any questions and can help with transportation, please feel free to contact our summer leaders:

Cody Rogers:  678.335.5736
Codi Henson:   678.451.4773