Friday, February 17, 2012

Geography Matters

The stickiest pages in our Bibles are usually the maps in the back-  mostly because they represent the most unused part of our Bibles. The maps are often seen as being as relevant to us as the genealogies, the laws in the book of the Deuteronomy, or the family record pages at the front.

But the maps in our Bible point to our God as being missionary minded about his love and message. When God sent his Son into this world it was Jesus who was embodying this foundational truth. It is this conviction that compels BP to go into all the world … for God so loves people-  of all colors, cultures, kinds, and nationalities.  But there’s more to it than just being mobile. It’s about being intentional.

The maps show specific and strategic places where God’s people were being sent. This was a simple reminder that God does not do “random” or “accidental”. There is a sovereign and divine plan behind “sent Christians” that is the story behind the story. There is a person on the receiving end of our compassion and message that is unknown to us, but known to God. Geography matters.

In Acts 16:6-10 Paul was prevented from speaking the message in Asia as a divine closed door they understood to be from God. Instead, Paul was given a dream of a man in Macedonia pleading for help and he proceeded there by faith. What Paul did not know is that God was already at work ahead of time. He was at work in the heart of a wealthy businesswoman, named Lydia, wondering if there was a greater purpose in life than just success. He was preparing a demonized girl to experience freedom from bondage from the evil things in this world. He was working in the life of a middle-class jailer who would discover life in Jesus and be the spiritual anchor he always wanted to be for his family.

We feel this truth guiding us as we form our BP team to go to Moldova this summer, June 15-23. Moldova is a small country between Romania and Ukraine and the poorest country in Eastern Europe. The state run orphanages are overwhelmed with kids and they literally throw girls and boys out on the streets at 12 years old when there is no more room. Most of the girls are certain to be kidnapped into sex trafficking.

Consider being a part of our mission to serve and love orphans through a summer camp that we host at the Orphanages. The Team meetings are every Thursday at 7:30 pm. Call Leigh Fragnoli at 770-294-6153 for directions. The fundraisers you will hear about at BP help to raise the funds to sponsor the camp so 200 kids can attend for free. Please consider partnering with us. The first Fundraiser is Friday, March 2, from 6 - 10 pm; a BINGO BASH at Latimer Hall in downtown Woodstock.

Geography matters to God. The person God is preparing beforehand is the story behind the story that compels us to be Difference Makers at BridgePointe.

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