Sunday, May 1, 2011

Step By Step

Even now I’m still feeding off the emotional fumes that energized me at Easter! At the end of the day, Jesus was lifted up for our invited friends and guests who heard a life changing truth: The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest survival story ever because it revealed the hope of life after death and points to Jesus as the one who can take us there. Nearly 1500 people came to BridgePointe to celebrate with us. You were making a statement that we heard loud and clear:  You trust us with your guests.  That’s a privilege and responsibility that all of the staff and Sunday team of volunteers take very seriously. From the Easter Egg hunt to the setting up of signs, from the worship music to the coffee, there was team win that morning, thanks to many passionate people who see God’s work as the greatest enterprise on earth.

This last Easter felt like a launch pad for me. Spring is the most-attended church season of the year. That means Easter isn’t the finish line, but the starting line. BridgePointe has an opportunity to be strategic in following up with our Easter guests. Lots of churches have “interested people”. But it takes an intentional effort to have “sticky people” who return and remain.

From now until the fall we will be working hard at constructing a Growth Path that aids in the taking of guests to their “next step”. Remember, “movement” is the natural progression in any relationship, but especially with God. Shortly, you will begin to see components (steps) as we construct this path. Some of these steps will be familiar to you, others will be new. I’m most excited to see Inside BridgePointe return this May. This is an opportunity for you or your guests to explore where BridgePointe is going and learn how to become a part of it. Many of you have asked about how you can become a member. This is where that next step begins. Be looking for monthly Inside BridgePointe event dates from now on.

You will also hear of our next baptism event in August. This is yet another step in spiritual growth. Baptism is that outward expression of your faith through rising up from the water, symbolizing new life in Jesus.  You will also hear of some growth classes being offered this June and July on Sunday evening we’re calling “Summer School” …. and there’s more to come. Consider this Growth Path a road under construction. You might see a blinking pylon and some detour signs here and there, but we desire to be a “sticky church” one step at a time, one guest at a time.

Easter was not the end of the race, but the starting line …. and we’re taking off running.

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