The BridgePointe Lead Team recently came back from a planning retreat
where we cast a vision for the next school year at BridgePointe. There is nothing more
exciting than dreaming and strategizing about how to draw people close to
We believe so much in who we are and we have a great passion to share BridgePointe with others. This starts with letting our
community know we are here. Last Sunday I challenged BridgePointe to raise the $2000 for
a sign that we desperately need for the worship center building. Above and beyond offering, you guys raised
$1,700. Wow! Thank you so much for your support. Way to go! This Sunday we’ll provide another opportunity
to participate. Funds given beyond $2,000 will go
towards 12-foot promotional flags that will be placed by the front
and near the kid’s facilities. That will make us easily identifiable for
This summer we will be making incremental improvements to
our facilities so we can do our best on Sunday mornings to create a place to
draw guests close to God.
The following are things we hope to tackle this summer:
- Make the Walkway and TreeTop facility more children specific in its décor.
- Carve out a "kick back space" in our warehouse at the Foundry for the Middle School students to meet on Sunday morning.
- Improve the worship center lobby by adding more light and color.
- Improve our stage area, sound equipment and stage lighting in the worship center.
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