Friday, September 21, 2012

Seven Things

I appreciated the thoughtful attention to my letter sent to the church this week. I wanted to put some meat to the bone by communicating my actions steps in response to our recent financial status. Here are the 7 things I’m engaged in and pursuing for our church:

1. Go to God with a call for prayer.
This is how we surrender our hearts to God and get a vertical perspective on things. There are no shorts cuts to prayer. Our leadership teams are emphasizing prayer in our meetings right now and I will prayerfully engage our church in our Sunday worship services and specially designated times as well.

2. Unify the Leadership
This coming Sunday the Advisor Team, Lead Team, and Point Team (facility transition Team) will be meeting to humble ourselves before God and seek his direction for our church in unity. We believe in what we are doing.

3. Communicate and raise awareness to the church of our need and potential
I will keep you informed of the upcoming weekly needs for the next month. The minimal number we need each month is now posted in the bulletin. For us to work towards team goals, we must know the scoreboard.

4. Explore strategic options and creative timing in keeping the bill paid
I am identifying all the immediate bills coming due to maximize the flow of funds and possible margins in due dates. Presently, we are trimming costs and putting a hold on spending.

5. Inspire our church through biblical giving principles
Spiritual truth guides us in our understanding our God’s heart and His ways. Alignment with these principles need to intersect how we live and make choices in everyday life.

6. Assess current giving patterns
I am monitoring our giving trends over the next few weeks. If our regular giving potential and reservoirs are going to be reduced, we will need to make adjustments with current ministry until there is an increase in resources.

7. Stay focused
In the most tense moments Jesus urged his disciples to “watch and pray” so they would not “fall into temptation”. (Matt. 26:41) I will steer our attention towards the vision before us and solutions that will move us forward.

But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving. (2 Cor. 8:7)

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