Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The decision, moving in, and the gap between then and now.

What a great way to end the school year!
·      -150 people at Servolution, descending on 20 homes to do yard work.
·      -The Compassion Team introducing us to our 3 new partners on “Unsung Sunday”.
·      -The return of the BP choir.
·     - Another full house at the last Inside BP event.

The summer is kicking off with the students gearing up for the annual “Motion” conference, the Deep End Workshops taking sign ups, and the new website almost completed. The Lead Team just returned from a mini-retreat where we planned next year’s calendar and focal points of improvement. Next week I will give you a preview of what the lead team is excited about, but I don’t want to get ahead of what’s before us right now.

We will soon need “all hands on deck”,  pulling in one direction, to focus and maximize our energy and efforts on one target: Getting out our mobile condition at the school. The desire would be to get out of our mobile status before the end of the summer. All of us would agree that the numerous hardships in being mobile for 9+ years has caught up to us and such a course is not sustainable.

The facility option that seems to be the most cost effective and the most expedient is the 20,000 square foot warehouse across the parking lot from the current Foundry location. Its present layout is about 15,500 square feet of open space with about 4,500 square feet of built out office area. This option has piqued our interest due to the limited build out it would require, unlike the other options which would require about $200,000 to get started. This particular facility would provide more than enough space for a worship center, a large lobby that could be used as medium size meeting area for gatherings, and open office space. Should we go forward with this, the built out office space in this new facility would potentially become the new TreeTop area (Infants - pre-K), the Foundry could potentially become the new WalkWay area (k-5th), and the left over open space would be sectioned off for office space. The middle and high-school student’s would have potential options at this location as well. This, of course, would be the “get in” plan and then we go from there.

This potential venture has 3 components. First, the Advisors and Pointe Team will explore the costs for the short list of improvements needed and arrive at an ultimate decision on the move. Should that decision be positive, the second component would be to communicate work and costs related to the move in and utilize your expertise in particular trades, simple elbow grease, and raised dollars. Lastly, and most critical, will be to fill the gap between now and then.

 Here is what that means from now until the end of July:

·      -Volunteer as a children’s worker for 1 Sunday, 1 time.
·      -Make sure your worship giving is strong and consistent this summer.
·      -Volunteer to set up at 7:30 AM or to tear down at 11:45 AM in either the kids area or worship center.

Having one service time at 10:30 AM not only helps the dynamic in the worship service with summer attendance being sporadic, but it also helps pace our set up and worship team volunteers by giving them an extra hour of sleep and helps pace our Children’s workers by giving them some time off.

So hang in there with us! We will need to be pulling together this summer as we seek steps out of our mobile environment. So help us fill the gap between now and then!

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