Monday, November 7, 2011

Beyond Belief

There is a story told of a famous French tightrope-walker named Charles Blondin.  Blondin's greatest fame came in June of 1859 when he attempted to become the first person to cross a tightrope stretched over a quarter of a mile across the mighty Niagara Falls.  He walked across 160 feet above the falls several times, each time with a different daring feat - once in a sack, on stilts, on a bicycle, in the dark, and once he even carried a stove and cooked an omelet!  On one occasion a large crowd gathered and a buzz of excitement ran along both sides of the river bank.  The crowd “oohed” and “aahed” as Blondin carefully walked across one dangerous step after another - blindfolded and pushing a wheelbarrow.  Upon reaching the other side, the crowd's applause was louder than the roar of the falls!  Blondin suddenly stopped and addressed his audience:

"Do you believe I can carry a person across in this wheelbarrow?"

The crowd enthusiastically shouted, "Yes, yes! You are the greatest tightrope walker in the world. You can do anything!” "Okay," said Blondin, "Then get in the wheelbarrow."  There were no takers.  You see, there is a difference between belief and faith.  Belief may be a conviction of something of which you are certain.  But until you act on it, faith has not been demonstrated.

For the last 2-3 weeks the Advisors and Lead Team has been in discussions about going to one service on Sundays.  Our attendance has decreased and we are well aware of how that hampers the dynamic in an auditorium that seats almost 1000.  We also know that going to one service would allow us to set up an hour later in the morning.  That’s helpful when volunteers are showing up at 6:30 AM to set up when it’s dark and cold.  But making such a change would come at a price.  Our children’s volunteers would not have a service to attend if they were serving on that day.  We also have just launched a BASICS class that meets during first service, allowing participants access to the childrens’ programs and then attendance of the second service.  BASICS, a workshop for new believers, is important to our Growth Path at BridgePointe.  And at the end of the day, lets face it - It would be an additional downer to our present challenges.

I got what I needed to make a decision this past week.  There was an affirmed and profound belief in what we are doing at BridgePointe through the Advisors, Lead Staff, and the leadership community of volunteers with which I am privileged to serve.  BridgePointe is fortunate with spiritual leaders who believe in what God is doing in and through BridgePointe.  I am one of them!  In tangible ways, I saw our team of leaders willing to put their belief into action.  By staying with two services, I am affirming my faith in who we are, what we are doing, the resiliency of our people, the faithfulness of our volunteers, the lives that continue to be changed, the unity of our leaders, and the greatness of our God.  My faith is greater than my fear of our present attendance.  Risky?  Yup!  Am I scared?  Well, it would not be courage if I wasn’t.

It is time to move beyond belief… to faith.  If you believe in what God is doing in and through BridgePointe, I invite you to act on it and get into the wheelbarrow with us.  I am all in!


Anonymous said...

I would like to leave my own "anonymous" comments - and pray that the right people read this.
Bridgepointe is under attack. There is no doubt that God planted this church and still has a purpose for this church - lives have changed, and lives are continuing to change. But there IS an enemy that wants to see Bridgepointe sink.
Bridgepointe is a VESSEL. A vessel that was mighty & strong... But then came rough waters, and our captain and co-captain "jumped ship" when they saw the storm coming (yes, that's what happened). Many of us held things together, many stepped up to lead. We prayed for a new "captain" and God sent us one... But there were too many crewmen who didn't "trust" this new captain, and agree w/ his style (holding onto old "ways"), so they jumped ship and actually pulled people in with them, doing as much damage as they could on the way down.

Now BP is a beaten/bruised vessel, struggling to keep sailing. Why does everyone blame the new captain?

The "damage" we've experienced isn't just coming from outside circimstances - SADLY, there has been alot of internal damage caused and most people will never see it or know the truth.

The enemy WANTS to see Bridgepointe sink - the enemy WANTS people to attack BP, by saying negative things and speaking negative truths over BP. Are you helping, or hurting?

The only thing we should be trusting in, is GOD. He planted this church, He used this vessel to change lives, and HE wants it to succeed. Trust in God's power over everything, trust that God brought our new pastor here for a reason, and PRAY that HE will guide BP's leadership. If anyone speaks otherwise, then they are only filling the boat with water.
BP might not be for everyone, and that's fine. And yes, it has gone through lots of changes - but don't underestimate what God can use this ol' rusty vessel for. Don't forget that a whole FAMILY of believers prayed for our current Pastor. And if you don't feel like BP is for you, then I hope God quietly leads you to where you are supposed to be.

Maybe I won't stay at Bridgepointe forever, but I'm not going to jump ship b/c things aren't perfect. I'm here b/c I believe God needs me here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Anonymous is but he/she speaks my heart.. If we were not doing something right the enemy wouldn't have a reason to attach us..We have the Armour of God, Let's use it!!! I love Bridgepointe and I'm ALL IN! Put me in the wheelbarrow!

Anonymous said...

I find this to be an interesting interpretation of the facts as they happened.... the underlying assumption is that a ship was sinking and the captain and crew "jumped ship".... where does that leave room for the reality that God is ultimately in charge and in His own wisdom and understanding He may choose to move and shuffle key leaders around in His own perfect will that may not line up with our individual preferences? BridgePointe was never intended to be built on a particular pastor's personality... God created BPC through the love and giftings of many different people... that love for lost people and understanding of excellence is what drew so many people to BPC in our first 6-7 years... God's plan changed and leadership was rearranged... again, His purposes trump our own...

Yes - there is a new captain and only God is truly able to judge and know the heart of that new captain, but I do find it divisive and truly inflammatory to blame the previous leadership who gave all they had to expand God's kingdom and reach lost people...

Anonymous said...

I proudly serve BP more now than ever because God is telling me to. In times like this your faith becomes strengthened. I don't agree with everything or everyone at this church, but it is where I worship and encounter God. That makes it worth serving. God did not promise an easy journey. Commit to growing closer to Him. There can be only one true leader and serve with all your heart.

Anonymous said...

The only way this gets resolved is for us to move forward. It's a tough time in our country and community right now and pulling apart is the last thing we need. New believers and visitors are watching what we do, how we act and what we say. How do we look to them? Are we leading people to Christ? Do they feel that God is present or are we as self-serving as the secular world? We are being tested, Bridgepointe is really being tested. I'm committed; are you?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to follow up on all the other anonymous comments here and leave a positive comment.

My family and I have been going to church at Bridgepointe for 4-5 years. We've seen and been involved when Chuck was here and now have embraced Mat as our new leader.

This past Sunday was without question the BEST worship we have had at Bridgepointe for me. Alan is an amazing worship leader and Jesse's wife has an incredible incredible voice. They have a gift from God.

And Keith's message was the best I have heard him preach. His prayer he asks before every message was granted - God spoke through him.

I left hopeful for our church and optimistic. This is a special place.

MattandErin said...

All in!

Anonymous said...

As the original "anonymous" poster, I'd like to clarify that I firmly believe that God is in control and always has been. I believe He still has a great plan for BP. However, I also believe that we were kind of left high and dry... Maybe it was God's plan? Maybe it was their plan? I'm not blaming them for anything. I'm proud to say my church family pulled together in an amazing way and stayed afloat for a year w/out a leader.

However, it saddens me when I hear and see that certain people have worked against BP, saying negative things and pointing blame. That doesn't come from God. Maybe this church isn't what it was, but God is still here and lives can still be changed.

Humans aren't perfect, and only God should be trusted 100%.

Let's pray together as a family that God will bless and strengthen our church, that God will fight off the enemy - that we will move forward and that He will continue to purge, as needed - so that we can be fruitful in HIS name.

Jesse Horne said...

I just wanted to post a thank you to Mat and to everyone at BP.

My wife, kids and I have never felt more welcome and immediately connected like we do at BP. It is an honor to serve the body of Jesus Christ and to worship each Sunday!

Each week we are desperate for Sunday to arrive!

We are "green" to all the past issues since we have only been around for a little over a month but, it is evident that Mat, Keith, Jared, Alan and the rest of the staff love God and BP immensely and continue to grow in holiness...that is enough for us.

Anonymous said...

I've been attending BP for 3 1/2 years and even though I grew up in church and am a preacher's kid I have never felt more "at home" than when I come to BP on Sunday monrnings. Quite frankly I guess I have been kind of oblivious to the drop in attendance until recently and then I saw the for sale sign on the property. My thoughts are just that every church goes through ups and downs and right now Bridgepointe is in a trying time and people have the right to make a decision to either jump ship or jump in. Every comment you make outside of church about BP effects the church directly because one negative comment spreads a lot faster than a positive comment. I don't know nor do I really care to know all of the drama that happened or didn't happen in the past. I choose to trust Mat, Keith, and the rest of the staff at BP to lead us in a positive direction. I know that I will be doing my part to step up and do my part to ensure that my family can continue to worship at BP.

Anonymous said...

Moving Forward! That is all we have to do.. The Past is over..all things are made new...surrender our lives to Christ!

K. Terrette said...

Moving Forward- All in! Amen!
Even with the drop in attendance I have never had as many volunteers serving our kids! That says something about the devotion and love for BP! And I love Pastor Mat and see great things coming! Can't wait!