blog has an avenue for feedback. Last week an anonymous writer commented:
“This is embarrassing. You seem to know what you are talking
about on the blog, but it feels like our church is falling a part. What is your
plan to start building bridgepoint again? Since you have been here things seem
to be dropping instead of getting better. Please help save my church not tear
it apart.”
don’t know who this person is, but this I do know: We have a lot in common. It
may seem like the person making such statements is on an opposing side, but I
don’t see it that way. This is a person who cares deeply about BridgePointe. If
they did not care about their church they would not be reading their Pastor’s
Blog, taking the time to comment, or asking if there is a plan for BridgePointe. We actually have more in
common than the commenter may think. We both deeply care about BridgePointe, as
well as my Staff and Advisor Team.
am also appreciative of their honesty in wanting to understand a particular
plan for building BridgePointe. That’s a lesson for me to know that I need to
step it up in communicating as the Lead Pastor. That’s why I am looking forward
to our first Vision Sunday, October 2, where I can articulate more clearly the
course I am setting for BridgePointe. I can give you a preview now.
1. Be driven by
strategy: Draw people close to
We will provide opportunities for movement in people’s relationship
with God through 3 markers:
First, our worship service will provide a safe place for people to
discover faith.
Second, our Growth Path will provide opportunities to develop faith. Next Steps include Inside
BridgePointe, Basics, baptism, volunteering, Life Groups/Starting Point, and Deep
End Workshops. These steps are being currently ironed out.
Third, our Compassion Ministry will provide opportunities to demonstrate faith. Under the direction
of Pastor Keith Norman, local avenues are being designed for us to give
ourselves away in meeting the practical needs in our community. His Local Team’s
first meeting is in October. Internal counseling programs are being designed, as
well as a Global focus planned for the future.
Be driven by quality: Seek
ongoing improvement.
This is an ongoing task but there are 3 primary areas we are focusing on this year.
Relocate BridgePointe’s Sunday’s meeting place to a more permanent
facility that would allow us 7 days of ministry opportunity.
Bring significant upgrades to our children’s programs so they are a major feature of BridgePointe on Sunday mornings and also design a Middle School program apart from High School.
Create a Volunteer Revolution to ensure that Sunday morning
programming is operating at optimum potential and effectiveness.
3. Be driven by
unity: Work together as a team.
Establish creative means to communicate effectively and regularly
with the church family, from updated printed materials to a new web site.
To increase cohesiveness, organization, and team identity among
the major ministries at BridgePointe.
To afford the Advisors and staff the time and opportunity to
connect with new leadership from a new Lead Pastor.
In a
nut shell … closer, better, together. There is nothing more important to me as a
Lead Pastor than for BridgePointe to know where we are going and how to be a
part of it. So in the end, I’m grateful for opportunities that allow for more clarity.
We all genuinely care about BridgePointe. That’s a great start … but it’s only a start. Let’s talk
together, work together, pray together, dream together, and build together. My
office door remains open so I can answer questions, communicate more effectively,
and work together to build BridgePointe’s future.
have more in common than you think.
Philippians 2:1-5 Therefore if you have any
encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if
any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make
my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit
and of one mind. Do nothing out of
selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above
yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests
of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as
Christ Jesus.
A man of visions and goals, I like it!
Hey Pastor Matt, I thought you did an awesome job Sunday casting vision for our church. We our excited to be a part of it. I now a lot of the information you presented to our body seemed to happen behind the senes, but I am curious are you and the leadership going to be more transparent moving forward? We have been investing it the vision of bridgepoint to reach, grow, and serve for years now and would love to be able to know how much the land is listed going to be for and how the progress is going. We just want to know that are investment has been worth it. Will you keep us updated on the blog, website, or at church? We decide to stop giving to blessings for lives since it is going to be sold and are going to give to other local ministry like never alone and lisa's singing ministry to the women. We love are pastor and are ready for something fresh and new to happen at bridgepoint. Please keep us updated sooner in the process than you did Sunday.
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