Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Personal, Not Private

People are moving forward in drawing close to God at BridgePointe! We sent a record breaking number of students, 96, to the Motion Conference in Birmingham two weeks ago.  Over 100 volunteers attended  Pulse in late July.  We baptized 37 people last Sunday. We had a record-breaking number of women, 165, attend the “Women Who Walk Conference” last weekend. It reminded me that BridgePointe is not an organization that we belong to. We are part of an organism-  something that is alive and living.

Being part of a local church is becoming a fast and loose option for today’s Christian. It is often argued that a commitment to a local church is unnecessary because “it’s all about a personal relationship with Jesus.” But this is short sighted. Personal does not mean private. As evidenced in the Bible, personal does not mean intangible either. The New Testament is filled with evidence of a church concept that had definite significance and structure.

1.  Christians regularly gathered for meetings (Heb.10:24-25, I Cor. 11:20) on consistent days  (Acts  20:7, I Cor. 16:2) and at specific locations (Acts 2:46).
2.   Christians localized as distinct congregations/churches within particular locations.
(I Thess. 1:1)
3.   Leadership was established in every church (Acts 14:23) as were detailed requirements for such leadership roles. (I Timothy 3)
4.   Physical and practical needs were met through administrative means.
(Acts 2:45, 4:32-37, 6)
5.   Detailed records were kept among churches. The number of people who became baptized Christians were added to the church (Acts 2:41, 44); A register of widows, under the church’s care, was kept (I Timothy 5:9); Letters and words of commendation were sent between churches regarding individuals. (Acts 18:27, I Cor. 16:3, II Cor. 3:1-2, Rom. 16:1, Col. 4:10)
6.   Financial collections were gathered and sent from one particular church to another.
              (Rom. 15:26, II Cor. 8:6-9:5)
7.   Organized practices of baptism and communion were experienced (Acts 2:41-42, 46) as well as other practices, common to particular churches.  (I Cor.11:17-22)
8.   Personal accountability was conducted in a public procedure that involved an individual church, its leadership, and individuals that knew the one being confronted for sin. (Matt. 18:15-19)
9.   Gatherings of believers were to be done in an orderly fashion. (I Cor. 14:40)
10. Each Christian was to utilize their unique abilities to make a difference. (I Pet. 4:10)

The Church in the New Testament does not sound like something private or intangible. This is why we host Inside BridgePointe Events. We think it’s important for you to know where your church is going and how to be a part of it. We want you to intelligently engage in your church as a living organism of spiritual life, rather than just another organization. Take your next step in drawing closer to God by attending our next Inside BridgePointe event on August 21, from 5:30-7:00. It’s hosted at Tuscany Restaurant in Woodstock where dinner will be served. I hope you will consider a Partnership with us at BridgePointe.

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