Thursday, March 7, 2013

The next big thing at BP!

I’m so proud of the response last week when we returned to two services. You guys gave us a smooth transition with great attendance. Way to go BridgePointe!  The 11:00 AM service is the one that guests are likely to attend and you created more room in that service. That sets us up for Easter as well. Thank you for working together to reach more guests. Reaching un-churched friends and family is our mission on Sundays. Thanks for sharing that vision.

But there’s more to do. As you know, we have a vision to bring our Sunday morning meeting spaces closer together. Having the kid’s facilities close to the worship center will make things more convenient for guests and make it easier for us to invite friends. Our current set-up between three different buildings in not conducive to that. We were working on a plan to change that. We had our eye on a 20,000 square feet building, located at the upper parking lot area, next to the church offices. It’s presently an empty warehouse. We knew it would require many improvements that would be costly and could only be done in phases and we would “improve as we go” when money was raised.

We were ready to commit to that plan when I got a phone call from the owner of the business park where we meet. Due to some needs that other tenants have, he explained that he would like to move another client into the present worship center and allow yet another tenant to take the 20,000 square foot we had wanted to move into one day. Just when I thought things could not be worse, he then surprised me by suggesting he build a new worship center for us, right next to our existing offices at The Foundry. Brand new! He said he would build the worship center at his expense and to fit our meeting needs. He would have us take on both sides of the existing Foundry, one half for pre-school and the other half for elementary kids. The warehouse portion would help to expand the student space as well, with the roll up doors being replaced with double glass doors. The proposed new worship center would almost double our seating capacity and would house our offices and an expanded lobby. He would build a breezeway in-between the building and a covering over the walkways to protect us from rain. We hope to get a plan in place to present to the church soon. A new building could happen as early as one year.

Wow! What a vision! What an incredible opportunity for BP! This new worship center comes at a cost of course and we would basically double our rent. So here’s what we need to do as a team:

 1.     Invite our friends-  Lets each try to invite one person or family to Easter this year.
     2.     Give regularly-  Whatever you give, be as consistent as you can.
     3.     Volunteer on Sunday-  Be a part of the team and part of what God is doing.

You have taken BP this far and I’m convinced you will take BP to its next big thing!