It will be a first in BP history! We are hosting an indoor baptism on March 24, Palm Sunday, at both services. Being that we were mobile for almost the first 10 years of existence, we were never able to offer baptism indoors and were forced to hold them in the hot sticky summer, outdoors. The heat was so miserable at times, I’m sure there were those who signed up to be baptized a second time just to avoid the heat.
Baptism just might be the next step for you in your spiritual growth with God. Baptism is one of the most exciting expressions of our faith as a Christian. A person is baptized when they are brought under the water and then raised up from it. There’s nothing sacred about the water, yet this simple act has profound meaning. Baptism symbolically pictures new spiritual life that comes from God when we choose to believe what Jesus has done for us and follow after him.
We make a “big deal” out of baptisms at BridgePointe! Baptisms are celebrated like a party and cheered on like a football game! We encourage you to invite your friends as well! Baptisms are a great way to introduce spiritual conversations with friends who may not attend church.
We also videotape your spiritual story of how God is working in your life. This video is shown on the day of your baptism as a way of introducing you. It makes for a very meaningful day for all who attend.
Note your interest in baptism on a connection card or register on our web site. A friendly team leader will contact you. He/she will help prepare you for when the next baptism is scheduled. He/she will let you know what to bring, what to do, what to wear, and what time to arrive. To get you started, there is information available on our web site to learn about baptism. There will also be a brief meeting with a leader to talk through an understanding of baptism and to answer any questions you might have questions.
So be the first in! We’re convinced this will be one of the most memorable events in your life!