Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Staying in Lock-Step Motion

While we continue the pursuit of a new facility for BridgePointe, we are also ramping things up for the fall. There are lots of exciting things coming our way, to be sure. But we have to take things one step at a time. I want to make sure we are moving forward together as a church family. Here are some communication items that will help keep us in lock-step motion:

One service at 10:30 AM
This fall we will continue to have one service at 10:30 AM. This allows us to have a sustained, healthy, and positive dynamic in the worship service in a 900 seat auditorium. Our intentions are to return to 2 services when we transition to the new facility in the near future. There, we can have more control over how we assemble the worship center. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Sunday Children’s Area and Workers
Staying at one service has a big impact on our kids area and workers. To provide the best in programming, it requires the children’s volunteers to be as consistent as possible. This creates trust and familiarity in their relationship with the kids and their parents. Traditionally, our volunteers would commit to be with the kids weekly and attend one of the services when there were two services offered. One service means that our children’s workers would miss the worship service if they were to volunteer every Sunday. So, I want to thank our parents for being patient with us during our one service season, as there will be some new faces in the children’s area.  And thank you to our children’s volunteers for “making it work” during this transitional season. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Starting August 5, we will need to bring 3 trailers back and forth from the Foundry to the school each Sunday. We have a large truck to do the pulling. We need men to be drivers to transport the trailers back and forth. No special license is needed. The trailers can be brought over Friday after 3 PM or on Saturday. They must be driven back after church on Sunday. Without a team of drivers will be unable to transport what is needed to conduct our church programming on Sunday. Your urgent attention is needed. Please contact Wendy Synder at the church office. (770.517.2977) or

August 5 will be a Vision Sunday. This is my opportunity to put some targets on the wall for this year and to cast vision for the future. There is a growing excitement about God positioning us to serve more people this year. Vision Sunday will allow me the chance to share my heart with you and to inspire our church family to recommit to the mission of BridgePointe.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Be the link!

So glad to be back from some vacation time! I came back to a wedding anniversary applaud and gift from the BP family that Christi I are so grateful for. Thank you! What an honor to be a part of this church family.

I loved my time away on the beach, but I could not wait to get home. What an extraordinary time to be a part of BridgePointe! We are on the verge of ending 9 years of being a mobile church. The Pointe Team is very close to being in a position to give you the big picture of what a more permanent home will look like on the same property of the Foundry. Our global Compassion Team just returned from Eastern Europe and they can’t wait to share their unforgettable stories of how God moved. Imagine that! BridgePointe is touching people on the other side of the globe! Guests are discovering BP this summer. The Lead Team is growing and recently returned from a retreat with fresh and creative ways to draw people close to God this next school year. The BP Choir “is back” … and will be singing this Sunday! And we are putting finishing touches on a new web site, yet to be introduced.

But for people to experience what God is doing at BP, they will need a relational pathway to connect with us. That’s the purpose of our Life Groups. These are small circles of people that meet and get to share life with each other. Life Groups allow us to have intentional relationships at BridgePointe. It allows us to do with “some” what we wish we could do with “everyone.”  Life groups are the primary way we connect people at BP.  We know that people will come to a church for many reasons, but they only stay for one-  relationships.

For our small groups to be our relational pathway to connect people at BP, it requires Life Group Leaders. It will require average, ordinary Christ Followers to consciously say “Yes” to God and be the link that connects others to what God is doing at BP. Without you taking a risk, stepping out, and dreaming of what God can do through you-   there will be no link to connect others to the main stream of how God grows us.

Over the next several weeks, would you consider being the link that will make the difference between people coming and staying at BP. You will have more of an impact on people at this church than-

- The most charismatic leader.
- The most educated Bible scholar.
- The most talented singer.
- The most knowledgeable financial manager.
- The most spectacular prayer warrior.
- The most effective administrator.
- The most skilled craftsman.
- The most brilliant computer geek.
- The most captivating teacher  …. who is NOT available.

Be the link! 
Contact our Life Groups Director: