We were all there once. Remember being in high school when
the beginning of May rolled around? It had been a long year and now we were struggling
to finish our final exams, let alone show up. Lets face it- by the last month
of the school year, we already had checked out. We were there, but we weren’t
really “there”. It was hard to finish well as we had waited so long for
something to end.
We are there once again this summer and face a similar
temptation as a church family. As we look forward at moving into a more
permanent home, all of us can taste it! The set up and tear down has taken a
heavy toll on all of us. We can’t wait to “get out of there” and not look back.
But we must end well because we are
more than just “renters”. We are Christ followers:
whatever you do, whether in
word or deed, do it all in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Whatever you do, work at it
with all your heart, as working
for the Lord, not for human masters. ( Colossians 3:17, 23).
We had some miscommunication several weeks ago and thought
we could leave everything set up until school started again in August. Well, we
were wrong. There may be times when we will get lucky, but our new instructions
are that we must take “everything” down each week. This will require volunteers
coming for set up at 8 AM, staying about 45 minutes afterwards for take down,
and setting up and taking down exterior directional signs. We are asking you to
sign up for a Sunday, or Sundays, when you can help with these three things so
we can finish well as a team. The church has a small pick-up truck that you can
switch with at the Foundry on Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, if you
can help set up the signs. You can let us know which Sunday on the bulletin
tear-off, by signing up in the lobby, or by e-mailing the office at: wendy.snyder@bridgepointechurch.org.
The Pointe Team is working hard to get us into a new facility
as quickly as possible. We cannot promise move-in dates, but things are moving
forward. We are outlining a short “to do list” that will get us “in” and we are
entertaining bids to project realistic costs. We are waiting for the owner to
respond to some initial proposals in working towards a lease arrangement. The
Pointe Team has taken the planning process as far as they can take it. We are turning
the project over to a General Contractor who will expedite the project in a
more systematic way. The next Pointe Team meeting with the Contractor is this coming
Monday night.
When God opens the door for us to move ahead, let’s end well
at the school. Lets fight the temptation to “check out” at a time when we need
to stay focused on the details of set up and tear down. I get it. We are all
tired and feel deserving. But let’s not relax and pour the champagne just yet.
Let’s end well and make sure each week has a sufficient amount of volunteers to
set up and tear down. This is the way we should honor the meaningful memories
that our time at the school has given our spiritual lives.