Summer is upon us and for all parents that means “pool time”. Depending on the age of your kids, that also means the annual parental pool lecture about the rules: Use sun screen, no running , no splashing, and let your lunch digest before going back into the water. Now, the smaller the child, the more said about the “deep end”. The deep end can be overwhelming for a kid. Not being able to touch the bottom with your feet can be a scary thing. Even though the pool may offer a deep end, the shallow end is right where they need to be.
However, if you have an older child, you are expecting them to be in the deep end. At a certain age they should be able to dive in on that side. They may even feel comfortable going off the slide or diving board into the deep end, and maybe even doing some tricks. You know- doing a flip, cannon ball, or standing on their hands with their legs straight up. Every parent would hope this would be true of their 16 years old. In fact, when the teen-agers want to regress and play in the “kiddie pool”, they usually end up getting kicked out. Even though the pool offers a shallow end, the deep end is right where they need to be.
The Bible gives us the same parental lecture in regards to expectations about our spiritual growth. Look at how John understands and perceives his reading audience:
I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of His name. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one.
(I John 2:12-13)
The mission of BridgePoint Church is to draw people close to God. This means the central role of our church is to move people forward in their relationship with Jesus. Movement, from being a spiritual child in the faith to a spiritual father, is the natural progression of a Christian. That’s why our Growth Path will intentionally offer a shallow end that makes entry simple for someone discovering faith or new to the faith. An Inside BridgePointe or a Baptism event this summer is where you can get into the pool and still have your feet touching the ground. Both are offered in August and you can sign up now.
I am just as excited about our summer discipleship workshops that are called “The Deep End”. They are designed to challenge you in your understanding, participation, thinking, and application beyond a Sunday morning message. These workshops will be offered on selected Sunday nights, from 5:00-7:00 PM, in June and July at the Outback. Each two-hour class is independent so you can select the ones that best align with your interest and summer schedule. Workshop titles and descriptions are available at the Next Steps Station or on our web site. You can sign up now.